Original Title: Nëna Është Gjallë Sot
English Title: Mom’s Alive Today
Production Phase: Post Production
Completion: 2025
Budget: €555,000.00
Estimated Length: 90 minutes
Director: Josip Lukic
Screenplay: Josip Lukic
Producer: Bujar Kabashi
Production Company: Mobius
JAKOV (34) returns to Split as his mother, ANTICA (55), battles worsening mental illness. Determined to keep her out of the psychiatric ward, he clashes with his sister MATEA (36) and aunt DIVNA (56), who believe hospitalization is necessary. Their tense family history resurfaces as Antica's condition spirals—culminating in desperate acts and painful confrontations. As Jakov is forced to make an impossible decision, he dreams of a family harmony that never was.
Producer’s Contact:
Bujar Kabashi
M: +383 49 200 408
E: [email protected]