
BABAI - Film i Gjatë Artistik

Produksioni: Produksioni Krusha
Skenari: Visar Morina
Regjia: Visar Morina

Aktorët:  Val Maloku, Astrit Kabashi, Adriana Matoshi 
Kohëzgjatja: 104 min
Sinopsis: Ten-year-old Nori (Val Maloku) and his father Gezim (Astrit Kabashi) roam the streets of Kosovo selling cigarettes and barely earning a living. Only a few years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, Gezim is lured west to Germany, leaving his son behind in search of a new life. Feeling deserted and desperate to claim some sense of stability, Nori embarks on a dangerous journey to Germany in search of his father. His tenacity, resilience, and sheer grit must be enough to guide him.


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