
Mua besoj më shpëtoj portreti - Film i metrazhit të shkurtër dokumentar

Original Title: Mua Besoj Më Shpëtoi Portreti
English Title: I Believe the Portrait Saved Me
Completion: 2025
Estimated Length: 10 minutes
Screenplay: Alban Muja
Director: Alban Muja
Producer: Edon Rizvanolli
Production Company: 038 Studio (Ks), Asfalt Films (NL)


Twenty-five years after his abduction during the Kosovo War, painter Skender Muja
recalls a pivotal moment of survival. Held in a detention center, he was ordered to draw
a Serbian commander’s portrait to save his life.

Producer’s Contact:
M: +31639549590
E: [email protected]

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