Original Title: Ill - Endowed
English Title: Ill - Endowed
Production Phase: Post Production
Completion: 2025
Estimated Length: 30 minutes
Screenplay: Aurela Berila
Director: Aurela Berila
Producer: Bujar Kabashi
Production Company: Mobius
This experimental documentary depicts the tentative, complex relationship between a sister and
brother as they struggle to integrate a shared human connection into pre-ordained power
imbalances of the patriarchal family order. Through home-footage and tangentially-related
imagery of context clues, the story will follow an incident that finally ruptures the precarious
connection between the main characters, prompting the viewer to question the endurance and
legitimacy of outdated traditions. Present notions of 'manhood' and 'honor,' as they figure in the
youth circles of present-day Prishtina, reproduce inherited injustices, amplified through the
desire-driven culture of late-stage capitalism.
Producer’s Contact:
Bujar Kabashi
M: +383 49 200 408
E: [email protected]