
The River

Original Title: The River

 English Title: The River

 Estimated Length: 90 min

 Director: Haris Raftogiannis

 Screenplay: Haris Raftogiannis

 Producer: Eshref Durmishi

 Production Company: Eagle eye films Kosova L.L.C.




 “The River” is an existential love story of two people, who struggle to find themselves and their position in the world. A tragicomic modern fairy tale, about two different worlds, two “opponents” and their way to come into one. Like all fairy tales, the film contains elements of the real world: The enormous land cut with the endless car flow, the motorway that reminds a river, and the black hawked stickers above, “flying statically” at the transparent panels. In other words, a draw of a virtual River, that crosses the big city, connecting the “modern”, mid-class world with the “old” and poor one. All these elements do exist in the city of Athens, Greece. However, in the film, the region is never been called and seen as Athens, but as an abstract place that can be set anywhere in the world. Both worlds have their good and bad sides, and both are being presented with a style of exaggeration. The general tone of the film is closer to an ironic and sometimes grotesque and stylized depiction of reality, reminding Coen’s cinema, blending genres and clichés from class melodramas and comedies to road movies.


Producer’s Contact: [email protected]

 +383 44 910 582

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