English Title: Giant Farce
Current production phase (Post-production, pre-production, productions, or completed): Pre-production
Finished by: 2023/24
Budget: 5.000EUR
Estimated Length: 120min
Director: Hafiz Qerimi
Screenplay: Florent Kurtalani
Producer: Hafiz Qerimi
Production Company: Createa
Short Synopsis
Kosovo, 1990. In the middle of the night, a villager seeks help for his ill son, Cani - who has a variety of strange symptoms. Bardhi the doctor of the village tries his best to help Cani and as soon as the morning dawns, Bardhi takes Cani to the hospital. There, they meet with other neighbors and see that the hospital is overcrowded with young patients, mostly pupils who have the same symptoms. They confirm that it is poison, and this has happened other times by the regime. Since they are not allowed to get in the hospital, Bardhi decides to take and treat as much as he can into his own house which he turns into a rigged hospital. Things get even more complicated when the regime gets involved and the whole village has to improvise the death of Bardhi's father so he can justify his absence at work.
Producer’s Contact:
Hafiz Qerimi
T: 383 45 968 880
E: [email protected]