Original Title: Buna
English Title: Buna
Current production phase (Post-production, pre-production, productions, or completed): Screenplay development
Finished by: Ilir Blakcori
Budget: 20M
Estimated Length: 01:30:00
Director: Ilir Blakcori
Screenplay: Ilir Blakcori
Producer: Dafina Blakcori
Production Company: MOLOS
Short Synopsis (max 130 words):
Buna, a young girl from the Romani community, lives in a city that is divided in half by a river. Together with her family, they live by collecting recyclable materials from garbage. She wants to break through the cycle of her predisposed life, and change her family’s future through innovation that will not only transform her community, but also the planet. The girl is constantly followed by a crow, which represents her absent of freedom. Buna is a "coming of age" story that focuses on our disregard for the environment, the community, and the Earth's loud call to action.
Producer’s Contact:
Dafina Blakcori
T: +38349524646
M: +38349524646
E: [email protected]