
Last Exit

Original Title: LAST EXIT

Finished by:  2023/2024

Estimated Length: 100 min


Director: Bekim Guri


Screenplay:  Bekim Guri


Producer:  Mumin Jashari


Production Company: Media & Film Production


Short Synopsis:

After finding the remains of their twin son, Driton, who went missing in the last war in Kosovo, Fatmir and Fatime’s other twin son, Agron, suffers a traffic accident in Switzerland. Upon receiving the news of finding the remains of his missing brother, he accidentally kills two people on the zebra crossing! Agron is sentenced to 23 years in prison! The parents (70 years old each) do not believe that they will be capable of waiting (living) as long as to be able to meet Agron again! They (Parents) try twice to get a visa to meet their son in prison (Geneva), but the visas are denied each time. They also try to pass the border illegally, but in vain, since they are eventually caught in Hungary! As e result, they are banned from entering the Schengen area for 5 years. After many failed attempts, they choose "death" – "assisted suicide" – as the only opportunity/option to meet their son in prison



Producer’s Contact:

T: +38344183464
M:+383 44 183 464
E: [email protected]

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