Original Title: "SHIU"
English Title: "RAIN"
Current production phase (Post-production, pre-production, productions, or completed):Pre-Production
Finished by: 2023
Budget: 30.000EUR
Estimated Length: 30-35 min
Director: Dritero Mehmetaj
Screenplay: Diellza Mehmetaj
Producer: Dina Morina
Production Company: " DEGJENERATA"
Short Synopsis
JORA (23) is an attractive Instagram blogger who is used with the attention, especially mens. However, when her neighbor VALON (45) doesn't notice her, she does everything to get his attention.
Jora soon involves her postman LISI (16) in her plans, but she doesn't realize that by helping her, Lis is starting to catch feelings. Desperate for Valon's attention, Jora finally, decides to go face him.
Producer’s Contact
Dina Morina
T: +38344770478