Original Title: 4+1
English Title: 4+1
Current production phase (Post-production, pre-production, productions, or completed): Pre-production
Finished by: November/ December
Budget: 20.000 euro
Estimated Length: 12/15min
Director: Jehona Berisha
Screenplay: Jehona Berisha
Producer: Jetmir Zenelaj
ProduCtion Company: Kanape sh.p.k
Short Synopsis (max 130 words):
Pushimin që e mendonin të planifikuar nga të katërtat, del që ishte i menduar prej njëres prej tyre. Befasia që vjen nga udhëtimi e bën të paharruar atë, për të katër shoqet.
The trip they thought was planned by four of them, turns out to have been planned by one of them. The surprise that comes from the trip makes it unforgettable, for all four friends.
Producer’s Contact:
Jetmir Zenelaj
T: +383 44 628 276
M: +383 44 628 276
E: [email protected]