The action-comedy film "Adnan Kafazi" directed by Genc Berisha and produced by Besart Sllamniku, premiered in Cineplexx and Kino ABC cinemas in Pristina.
"Adnan Kafazi" deals with the topic of crime and corruption within a city, through which territorial control is aimed. Actors Armend Baloku, Muhamed Arifi, Besart Sllamniku, Ylber Bardhi, Armond Morina, Arta Muçaj, Edona Reshitaj, Dukagjin Podrimaj, Shkumbin Istrefi, Fatmir Spahiu and Xhejlane Tërbunja play the main roles.
The post-production of the film has been supported by the Kosova Cinematography Center in the 2022 competition.